Make your dream of owning a home a reality with a San Francisco Federal Credit Union adjustable rate mortgage.

可调利率抵押贷款是可变利率和固定利率的混合体. 一般, 贷款的头几年提供固定的初始利率, 之后是可变利率. 因此, investors can expect to have varying payment amounts for the life of the loan as opposed to one consistent payment, 和固定利率贷款一样. 

The advantage of an adjustable rate mortgage is that they carry lower 利率s during the fixed period of the loan, which in turn gives you the option of a lower payment during the initial fixed period of the loan.

Difference between Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Loans and Fixed Rate Mortgage Loans 

ARMs在许多方面与固定利率抵押贷款不同. 最重要的是, 有了ARM,利率会定期调整, 通常与索引有关, 付款可能会相应上升或下降. ARM利率可能有一个固定的利率周期 三年, 五年, 七年 or 10年 . After the initial fixed rate period, the 利率 and payment may change accordingly.






A:十大彩票游戏平台的信贷员会考虑申请人的债务收入比, 信用记录, 首付, 房价, 贷款类型. 一般, 信用评分较高的申请人, 较低的整体债务, 有保障的收入可以获得较低的利率. 


A:  When you’re buying a home, mortgage lenders look at your income, assets, and 首付. 他们还会考虑你的责任和义务, 包括汽车贷款, 信用卡债务, 孩子的抚养费, 潜在的财产税和保险, 以及你的整体信用评级. 这些变量一起决定了贷款总额. 

使用 这个计算器 会让你知道你可以获得多少抵押贷款. 然而, we welcome you to speak with one of our mortgage professionals who can help you consider all the variables to determine the right loan and loan amount for you. 


答:抵押贷款指数的利率每天都有所不同 优惠利率,这是美国.S. 美联储的影响. 从那里, we determine what rate you qualify for by checking such things as your credit score, 付款历史, 工作经历. 你的财务状况越好,提供给你的利率就越低.

Q: What is the difference between a fixed-rate mortgage and an adjustable-rate mortgage?

A: A fixed-rate mortgage has an 利率 and monthly payment that never changes. An adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) has an 利率 that changes based on 优惠利率, 十大彩票游戏平台在上面提到过. The variable 利率 associated with an ARM means the monthly payments for that type of loan change with the changing 利率. 

获取有关抵押贷款变量的信息, please contact us to speak to one of our knowledgeable mortgage team members at 800-852-7598, 2977分机.


利率, 贷款期限, and balance when your loan is closed are how we determine your initial monthly payment of principal and interest. 

十大彩票游戏平台以5/1 ARM为例. 付款方式是这样设定的,你可以在360个月内还清贷款. 随着利率的上升或下降,你的付款在60个月后可能会发生变化. Then, following this period, your payments amount could change every 12 months.

与此同时,其他因素也会影响你的月供, 这取决于你的税收变化, 评估, 和更多的.

利率的变化是有限的. 在第一个更改日期,它们不会增加或减少超过2.000 percentage points from the initial 利率 (excluding any buydown). 

After the initial adjustment period, your 利率 will not increase or decrease by more than 2.000 percentage points annually, and over the life of the loan, they cannot increase more than 6.000 percentage points above the initial 利率 (also excluding any buydown).


Notifications of adjustments come at least annually if there are any changes in 利率s. You’ll be notified in writing if an 利率 change also means a change to your monthly payments. 该书面通知将至少在25个日历日发出, but not more than 120 calendar days before the payment is due at the new level. 

您将看到调整后的付款金额, 利率, 索引值, 以及当时的贷款余额.


At San Francisco Federal Credit Union, we’re here to help you achieve your financial goals. Please see our helpful tools and resources or speak to one of our team members who are ready to support you on your journey to becoming a home buyer.


With the right mortgage, you’ll be one step closer to buying your dream property. Let San Francisco Federal Credit Union help you find the perfect mortgage today.
